Monday, September 28, 2009

Beaded Embroidery

I just sewed some beads and sequins onto an olive green t-shirt. It's a fruit/garden theme with lemons, vines, leaves and lace. I'll probably put it in my spankytease shop on Etsy. If I ever finish it. Embroidery is so time consuming.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kokopeli Quiver Bead Patch

When I was working on my gourd rain stick I found this other kokopeli in my bead case. It's for a quiver I'm making. It's not quite done. My projects kind of got out of order there.

Upper Arm Band

I was making a leather band for my gourd rain stick. I used a copper colored concho. But today when I went to glue it on the gourd, I found the flat concho would not work well with the curve of the gourd. So I had to start all over again and bead another band in the right curvature. Not to worry though. I'll finish up the original piece as an upper arm band.